Generate 10x traffic,
engagement & conversion
with Flagship Growth Cloud’s pre-built digital experiences

Flagship Growth Cloud empowers startups and enterprises to deliver beautiful, personalized experiences across every stage of the customer journey. Its pre-built no-code modules accelerate the creation of engaging digital products, websites, landing pages, and other forms of interactive digital assets. Flagship Growth Cloud can help you attract & retain the most valuable segments of your audience and nurture meaningful interactions with them.

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Monetizable Videos
on Every Platform

Short-form is the centerpiece of
modern digital experience

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Skyrocketing Viewership

Short-form video apps like TikTok have over 1 billion monthly active users globally. Users spend an avg of 52 minutes per day.

Youtube’s Shift

YouTube Shorts now garner over 30 billion daily views, showcasing the platform's recognition of this trend's significance. 

Gen Z Preferred Format

Younger generations, including Millennials and Gen Z, gravitate towards quick bursts of content versus longer formats.

The time is now to offer your users
the experience they want

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Higher Engagement Rates

Short-form videos outperform longer videos and other content formats in terms of likes, comments, and shares.


Increased Conversion

Well-crafted short-form videos can drive higher click-through rates and ultimately lead to increased sales. 


More Brand Awareness

The virality potential of platforms like TikTok means brands can reach massive audiences quickly and organically.

Shorts will take your app
experience to a whole new level

Shorts is familiar.
Easy for users to discover.

Embed Shorts as a collection of story circles or a collection of reel squares exactly as seen on popular social media apps. This ensures faster adoption and you can add them anywhere on your app and have full control over look & feel.

Your story

Your story

Your story

Your story

Your story

Your story

Your story

Your story

Your story

Your story

Story UI

Your story

Drawing Celebrities on the NYC subway


Your story

Drawing Celebrities on the NYC subway


Your story

Drawing Celebrities on the NYC subway


Your story

Drawing Celebrities on the NYC subway


Reels UI

Shorts looks natural.
On any app.

Because of the universal appeal and widespread usage of stories & reels, ‘Shorts’ looks amazing on almost any app. It helps you centralize your most important information and content as well as visually uplifting the overall app look & feel.

Your story 1
Your story 2
Your story 3
Your story 4

Tap into the magic of
infinite scrolling.

Boost average time-spent on app by integrating Shorts into your app. It is proven via multiple studies that introducing short-from content responsibly on any digital product can greatly increase both the average time spent on app and overall stickiness of the product.

Your story 1
Your story 2
Your story 3
Your story 4

from the future.

You have never seen ecommerce like this. Shoppable videos are only just becoming the norm, but have the potential to disrupt the entire ecommerce space. Get ahead of the game by integrating shoppable videos built-in within our Shorts platform.

Your story 1
Your story 2
Your story 3
Your story 4

Shorts is built on top of rock
solid scalable technology


Microservices Architecture

Modular design ensures flexibility and seamless updates for continuous growth.


Secure Database Systems

Robust data protection safeguards user information and builds trust.


Scalable Backend Infrastructure

Handles spikes in demand, guaranteeing a smooth experience.


Built to Handle Massive Traffic

Designed from the ground up to accommodate huge audiences.


Modern Tech Stacks

Utilizes the latest tools and frameworks for optimal speed and efficiency.


Easy-to-use Admin CMS

Streamlined content management puts the power in the hands of your team.


World-class No Code Editor

Intuitive no-code interface gives you full control over every part of the user journey.


Diligent Maintenance

Regular updates and security patches ensure a reliable and secure platform.

Monetize your traffic like never
before with Flagship Shorts

Digital products are like perpetual teenagers, always evolving to chase the latest trends.

Updates keep digital products feeling forever young, even if they're actually ancient in coding years.

Perfectionism reigns in the digital world, where nothing less than pixel-perfect precision will do.

User feedback is the daily dose of digital therapy that keeps products on track.

Behind every sleek interface lies a graveyard of discarded designs, casualties of the pursuit of the perfect UX.

Quality control is the middle name of digital products... Well, if they had middle names, that is.

Innovation is the bread and butter of digital products, with a side of disruption and a sprinkle of chaos.

Change is the constant companion of digital products, always keeping them on their toes and users on the edge of their seats.

Digital products: the unsung heroes of modern business, tirelessly working behind the scenes while humans take all the credit.

Efficiency and effectiveness are the superpowers of digital products, saving users from the dreaded loading spinner of doom.

Every line of code tells a story—some are tales of triumph, others are cautionary tales of bugs gone wild.

The pursuit of the perfect user journey is the never-ending quest of digital products, fueled by caffeine and the occasional existential crisis.